The Skeleton Description

Skeleton supports the body protects vital internal organs makes it possible to sit, stand walk and run, stores certain useful minerals and manufacturer blood. All this is feasible partially because the adult's body 206 bones are variously shaped. Ribs, limb bones and collarbones are long bones that act as levers. Bones of the skull the backbones, breastbones, shoulder blades and bones are flat and largely serve as shields. Wrist, vertebrae and weight bearing bones in the feet are short and strong.

Name of Bones

  1. Skull
  2. Clavicle
  3. Sternum
  4. Scapula
  5. Humerus
  6. Vertebral Column
  7. Radius
  8. Ulna
  9. Pelvis
  10. Carpals
  11.  Meta Carpals
  12. Phalanges
  13. Femur
  14. Patella
  15. Tibia
  16. Fibula
  17. Tarsal
  18. Metatarsals
  19. Phalanges

Types of Vertebra

  1. Cervical
  2. Thoracic
  3. Lumbar
  4. Sacral
  5. Coccygeal

Bodily support, protection, and locomotion also depend upon how the body's frame work is arranged. When you stand, the weight of the upper body travels down through bones in the torso to others in the thighs, legs and feet. When you stand and move with the lines of thrust acting through the middle of the joints that link these bones , you maintain balanced posture and efficient muscle action. Here I would like to share with you some information about the groups of bones.

Skull : Skull contains on 22 bones which makes up a movable jaw, a rigid shell that forms the face and guards the brain.

Backbone: This sheathes the spinal cord and forms an S-shaped column designed to bear man's weight when erect.

1.          24 out of 33 vertebrae are flexible.
2.          07 are cervical (neck) vertebrae supports the head and help support the shoulders, arms and upper chest.
3.          12 thoracic (i.e. chest)
4.          05 below are lumber (lower back) vertebrae
5.          05 fused vertebrae support the all body weight and that is sacrum
6.          04 fused vertebrae is the vestige of the tail and that is coccyx.
7.          Backbone pillar supports the body framework of chest, shoulders and girdles.

Chest: The Chest or rib-cage is a cage of ribs curving forward from the backbone towards the sternum. The upper seven pairs are called true ribs.  
