"The ability to carry out daily tasks efficiently with enough energy left over to enjoy leisure time pursuits and to meet unforeseen emergencies" once said by U.S Formar President's Council on Physical FitnessFitness is not the same as health. Players can be ill and you can be in perfect health but unable to run or swim only a few hundred yards. There are two major aspects to your level of fitness your potential or realizable fitness is determined by your physiological makeup, health body type, age, sex, weight and other inherited factors. your actual or realizable fitness is degree to which that potential has been fulfilled and developed or harmed by your lifestyle. Fitness is the relative concept. A certain level to realized fitness is necessary for everyone to prevent the deteriorating of their organic functions and to keep their bodies working depends upon the requirements of your daily life or personal preference: a lumberjack or a professional footballer for example needs to be fitter than an office worker or a student.   
